CUDA Accelerated GStreamer Camera Undistort - User Guide - Camera Calibration

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The following page will introduce a way to calibrate your camera, and get the parameters used in the camera undistortion. This method consists of a Python script that will guide you through the calibration process without going into technical details.


Please follow the dependencies section of this guide to resolve CUDA undistort library dependencies.

Print a calibration pattern, such as the OpenCV Calibration Pattern, and stick it on a flat surface.

Setting up the Parameters

Go inside the calibration directory of the cuda-undistort repository

cd calibration

Open the settings.json file, where you will find the following lines

    "cameraWidth": 1280,
    "cameraHeight": 720,
    "chessboardInnerCornersWidth": 6,
    "chessboardInnerCornersHeight": 9,
    "camIndex": 0,
    "brownConradyCameraMatrix": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    "fisheyeCameraMatrix": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    "brownConradyDistortionParameters": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    "fisheyeDistortionParameters": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

You need to adjust those parameters so that they match your camera specification and your printed calibration pattern.

  • cameraWidth
Width of the pictures the camera can get.
  • cameraHeight
Height of the pictures the camera can get.

The black (and the white) diagonally aligned squares of the calibration pattern form what are called the chessboard corners, so the following parameters are related to those corners.

  • chessboardInnerCornersWidth
Number of corners that are counted horizontally.
  • chessboardInnerCornersHeight
Number of corners that are counted vertically.

When a camera is connected to a device, an index is used to refer to the camera. This index is the number that follows the video when listing the cameras with the following command

ls /dev/video*
  • cameraIndex
This parameter is the index of the camera.

The other parameters are used when you want to test (-t option only) the camera matrices and distortion parameters you already have from a previous run of the program .

If you are going to calibrate the cameras for the first time, these parameters are not used and can be left as they are.

  • brownConradyCameraMatrix
Camera matrix previously calculated.
  • fisheyeCameraMatrix
Camera matrix previously calculated.
  • brownConradyDistortionParameters
Distortion parameters for the brown Conrady model to test.
  • fisheyeDistortionParameters
Distortion parameters for the fisheye model to test.


Calibration Options

The calibration script has the following options

Argument Description
-c, --calibrate To execute the calibration process.
-p, --images_path [IMAGES_PATH] Sets the path to store the calibration images. Default: imgs/calibration
-r, --remove Removes the images from the IMAGES_PATH in case it's not empty.
-s, --settings_path [SETTINGS_PATH] Sets the path to the settings file. Default: settings.json
-o, --output_path [OUTPUT_PATH] Sets the path to the output file. Default: output.json
-t, --test Runs a test routine for the user to see the calibration results.
-v, --v4l2 Uses the v4l2 plugin to capture images from the camera. By default, the nvidia plugins are used.

Running the Calibrator

Run the calibration tool as follows

python3 [OPTIONS]

where [OPTIONS] are the chosen options of the table above. Usually, you will want to run the calibration process, overwrite possible existing images, and run a test at the end to check the results. For this use case, run the calibrator as follows:

python3 -c -r -t
# Add the -v flag if you are using a camera that is accessed through v4l2.

A window will appear, showing the captured images from the camera. At the beginning, the video will be slow, as the calibration pattern is not found.

Show the calibration pattern to the camera, and you will see three things:

  • A colored border
Red: the calibration pattern is not being detected.
Green: a calibration pattern was detected.
  • Saved images
The number of images that have been saved (which are captured every 2 seconds) when a calibration pattern is detected.
  • Press (q) to finish
You can press the (q) key to end the capture routine when you have enough pictures saved (between 40-50 is recommended).

Also, when the pattern is detected, you will see circles over the outermost corners. An image will be saved every 2 seconds, if the pattern is detected. Press (q) to finish.

To get a good quality calibration, make sure of the following:

  • Save 40-50 images.
  • Move the pattern to fully cover the image area.
  • Tilt the pattern in both horizontal and vertical directions.

Now that the calibration images are ready, wait for another window to open. This one will show you the result of applying the computed parameters to the images captured by the camera at that moment, so you can check if the parameters are good enough. This window shows the undistorted images for both fisheye and Brown-Conrady models. Press (q) to exit. If you don't like the results, try to run the calibration tool again, following the guidelines mentioned before.

Now, the results are saved in JSON format in the output.json file, by default. This could change if you used the -o flag while running the tool. You can copy the needed parameters if you're planning to use the stitcher's homography estimation guide.

Also, the cuda-undistort element will need the computed camera parameters, but as environment variables. For this reason, those parameters will be printed in your terminal, so that you can copy them for your pipelines. You will see an output like the one below, so choose the CAMERA_MATRIX and DISTORTION_PARAMETERS for your desired model, whether it is fisheye or Brown-Conrady

 |  The following variables can be used as the |
 | parameters of the cuda-undistort element.   |
 | Use the parameters of your prefered model.  |
# ======= 
# ======= 
CAMERA_MATRIX="{\"fx\":9.5211633874478218e+02, \"fy\":9.4946222068253201e+02, \"cx\":6.8041416457132573e+02, \"cy\":3.1446117133659988e+02}"
DISTORTION_PARAMETERS="{\"k1\":3.8939572818197948e-01, \"k2\":-5.5685725182648649e-01, \"k3\":2.3785352925072494e+00, \"k4\":-1.2037220289124213e+00}"
# ============= 
# ============= 
CAMERA_MATRIX="{\"fx\":9.5211633874478218e+02, \"fy\":9.4946222068253201e+02, \"cx\":6.8041416457132573e+02, \"cy\":3.1446117133659988e+02}"
DISTORTION_PARAMETERS="{\"k1\":2.1107496349546324e+01, \"k2\":-2.4383787227376064e+02, \"p1\":-2.4875466379420917e-03, \"p2\":2.2798038164244493e-03, \"k3\":5.9419414118252871e+02, \"k4\":2.1085235633925034e+01, \"k5\":-2.4360553937983042e+02, \"k6\":5.9359831515760391e+02}"

If you need to generate the output above from the saved settings.json file, just run the tool without arguments:


Using the Undistort Element

Now that we have the camera matrix and the distortion parameters, just copy them as follows to build a pipeline. Checkout the examples section for more pipelines.


CAMERA_MATRIX="{\"fx\":9.5211633874478218e+02, \"fy\":9.4946222068253201e+02, \"cx\":6.8041416457132573e+02, \"cy\":3.1446117133659988e+02}"
DISTORTION_PARAMETERS="{\"k1\":3.8939572818197948e-01, \"k2\":-5.5685725182648649e-01, \"k3\":2.3785352925072494e+00, \"k4\":-1.2037220289124213e+00}"

gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc \
  ! nvvidconv \
  ! cudaundistort distortion-model=fisheye camera-matrix="$CAMERA_MATRIX" distortion-parameters="$DISTORTION_PARAMETERS" \
  ! nvvidconv \
  ! nvoverlaysink


CAMERA_MATRIX="{\"fx\":9.5211633874478218e+02, \"fy\":9.4946222068253201e+02, \"cx\":6.8041416457132573e+02, \"cy\":3.1446117133659988e+02}"
DISTORTION_PARAMETERS="{\"k1\":2.1107496349546324e+01, \"k2\":-2.4383787227376064e+02, \"p1\":-2.4875466379420917e-03, \"p2\":2.2798038164244493e-03, \"k3\":5.9419414118252871e+02, \"k4\":2.1085235633925034e+01, \"k5\":-2.4360553937983042e+02, \"k6\":5.9359831515760391e+02}"

gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc \
  ! nvvidconv \
  ! cudaundistort distortion-model=brown-conrady camera-matrix="$CAMERA_MATRIX" distortion-parameters="$DISTORTION_PARAMETERS" \
  ! nvvidconv \
  ! nvoverlaysink

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