Jetson TX2/Nvidia TX2 NVP model

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

In this wiki we provide a introduction to Nvidia's nvpmodel tool. The nvpmodel tool helps users adjust the optimal performance-power configurations easily.

Dynamic energy profile

Nvidia offers the flexibility to change the CPU and GPU settings to adjust the performance and the power consumption of the Jetson TX2, and the nvpmodel tool offers some energy-performance profiles that are convenient and easy to switch.

Common energy profiles

Max Q

Nvidia uses the Max Q term to refer to maximum processing efficiency, so in this mode all components on the TX2 are configured for maximum efficiency. This configuration uses the values the best power-throughput tradeoff.

Max P

Spends more power than Q in order to increase the CPU's clock frequencies. This mode increases the performance sacrificing the power.

Max N

According to the Nvidia TX2 NVP model definition [2], in this mode the CPU's and GPU clock frequencies are higher than in Max-P, sacrificing power consumption even more [1].

nvpmodel Profiles

In the table 1 the available profiles are shwon along with the mode number.

Table 1: nvpmodel profiles, taken from [2]

In order to set an specific profile in your TX2, run:

sudo nvpmodel -m <mode number for desired profile>

To check which mode is being used:

sudo nvpmodel -q --verbose


[1] "NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Delivers Twice the Intelligence to the Edge" The NVIDIA Developer Blog. URL: (accessed on 22 Dec 2017)
[2] "NVPModel – NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Development Kit" JetsonHacks Article. URL: (accessed on 22 Dec 2017)