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A customized set of busybox shell scripts that run on the target device to exercise all the I/Os used in the product. These tests are useful for bringing up new hardware and on the assembly line for verifying the functionality of each board.  Manufacturing tests are customized based on the hardware design being tested.  All tests follow a simple go / no-go either by probing and querying the device via UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO or by simple user interaction ("press the button labeled XXX", "Did you see a green and white striped image on the display.").  Does not include integration of other external test apparatus.
A customized set of busybox shell scripts that run on the target device to exercise all the I/Os used in the product. These tests are useful for bringing up new hardware and on the assembly line for verifying the functionality of each board.  Manufacturing tests are customized based on the hardware design being tested.  All tests follow a simple go / no-go either by probing and querying the device via UART, SPI, I2C, GPIO or by simple user interaction ("press the button labeled XXX", "Did you see a green and white striped image on the display.").  Does not include integration of other external test apparatus.
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