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Requesting the Evaluation Binary

RidgeRun can provide you with an evaluation binary of the Stitcher to help you test it, in order to request an evaluation binary for a specific architecture, please contact us providing the following information:

  • Platform (i.e.: NVIDIA Jetson Orin, TX1/TX2, Xavier, Nano, or x86)
  • Jetpack version
  • The number of cameras to be used with the stitcher
  • The kind of lenses to be used and whether or not you need to apply distortion correction
  • Input resolutions and frame rates
  • Expected output resolution and frame rate
  • Latency requirements


Features of the Evaluation

To help you test our Stitcher, RidgeRun can provide an evaluation version of the plug-in.

The following table summarizes the features available in both the professional and evaluation version of the element.

Feature Professional Evaluation
Stitcher Examples Y Y
GstStitcher Element Y Y
Unlimited Processing Time Y N (1)
Source Code Y N
Table 1. Features provided in the evaluation version

(1) The evaluation version will limit the processing to a maximum of 1800 frames.

Evaluating the Stitcher

The stitcher requires the GstCuda plugin in order to work properly, and also depending on your setup, it may require the cuda-undistort element or the rr-projector plug-in, as represented in the diagram below.

Dependencies diagram for the Stitcher

RidgeRun provided you with three evaluation tarballs, one for each of the elements mentioned above. The installation should follow that specific order.

Install and test the evaluation binaries


If you already own a professional version of this plugin, skip to the cuda undistort element below.
To install the evaluation binaries follow the instructions found in the GstCuda Installation guide

Cuda Undistort

This element is only required if the lenses you are using need distortion correction. If that is not the case, skip to the Stitcher element below.
In order to install the evaluation binaries for this element, follow the Undistort installation guide.

RidgeRun Projector

This plug-in is only required if the camera's FOV covers 360 degrees. If that is not the case, skip to the Stitcher element below.
To install the evaluation binaries for this plug-in, follow the Projector installation guide.

Cuda Stitcher

Install GLib JSON
sudo apt install libjsoncpp-dev
sudo apt install libjson-glib-dev
Once the requirements above are fulfilled, proceed with the installation of the tarball. RidgeRun should've provided you with the following compressed tar package/s:
Extract the contents of the file with the following command:
tar xvzf <path-to-evaluation-tar-file>
The provided cuda-stitcher evaluation version should have the following structure:
├── examples
│   ├── cudafilter_algorithms
│   │   ├── gray-scale-filter
│   │   │   └──
│   │   ├── median-filter
│   │   │   └──
│   │   ├── memcpy
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── pinhole
│   │       └──
│   ├── cudamux_algorithms
│   │   └── mixer
│   │       └──
│   └── ocvcuda
│       ├── stitcher_example
│       └── three_image_stitcher
├── include
│   ├── gstreamer-1.0
│   │   └── gst
│   │       └── stitcher
│   │           └── gststitchermaskmeta.h
│   └── rr
│       └── stitcher
│           ├── homography_preprocessor.h
│           ├── iblender.h
│           ├── icombiner.h
│           ├── ihomography.h
│           ├── image_geometry_utils.h
│           ├── matrix.h
│           ├── matrix_utils.h
│           ├── ocvcuda
│           │   ├── blender.h
│           │   └── homography.h
│           ├── rgba.h
│           ├── runtime_error.h
│           └── transformation_node.h
├── lib
│   └── aarch64-linux-gnu
│       ├── gstreamer-1.0
│       │   ├── libgstcuda.a
│       │   ├── libgstcudaexamplefilter.a
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├──
│       │   ├──
│       │   └──
│       ├── libgstcuda-1.0.a
│       ├──
│       ├── ->
│       ├── ->
│       ├──
│       ├── ->
│       ├── ->
│       ├──
│       ├── ->
│       ├── ->
│       ├──
│       └── pkgconfig
│           ├── gst-cuda-1.0.pc
│           ├── gststitcherhelper-1.0.pc
│           └── rrstitcher-1.0.3.pc

Then copy the binaries into the standard GStreamer plug-in search path:
sudo cp -r ${PATH_TO_EVALUATION_BINARY}/usr /
Where PATH_TO_EVALUATION_BINARY is set to the location in your file system where you have stored the binary provided by RidgeRun (i.e: cuda-stitcher-X.Y.Z-P-J-eval).

Finally validate that the installation was successful with the following command, you should see the inspect output for the evaluation binary.
gst-inspect-1.0 cudastitcher

How to use the Stitcher

The process of configuring and using the stitcher is explored in depth in the Stitcher user guide.

Testing the Stitcher

You can test the stitcher by running the following example scripts, these perform a stitch between two and three images respectively. It is a great starting point to make sure the installation was successful before moving into more complex examples.

For both examples, you will need to download the example images that will be stitched. You will find the image links in the next sections and an example of how to get them using curl.

Two images example

This example will get two images and stitch them together.

Get the images
ImageA Image B
curl -L -o ImageA.png ""
curl -L -o ImageB.png ""
Execute the code
./ocvcuda/stitcher_example -f ImageA.png -s ImageB.png

Examine the output image and make sure the stitching was successful, it should look like the following image.


Three images example

This example will get three images and stitch them together.

Get the images
Desert left Desert center Desert right
curl -L -o desert_left.png ""
curl -L -o desert_center.png ""
curl -L -o desert_right.png ""
Execute the code
./ocvcuda/three_image_stitcher -l desert_left.png -c desert_center.png -r desert_right.png

Examine the output image and make sure the stitching was successful, it should look like the following image.


Basic validation pipeline

Create a homographies.json file with the following contents:

            "matrix":{ "h00": 1.0, "h01": 0.0, "h02": 640.0,
                       "h10": 0.0, "h11": 1.0, "h12": 0.0,
                       "h20": 0.0, "h21": 0.0, "h22": 1.0 }
            "matrix":{ "h00": 1.0, "h01": 0.0, "h02": -640.0,
                       "h10": 0.0, "h11": 1.0, "h12": 0.0,
                       "h20": 0.0, "h21": 0.0, "h22": 1.0 }

Run the following pipeline, this uses three 640x480 video test sources:

CAPS="video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=640, height=480, format=RGBA"
HOMOGRAPHY_LIST="`cat homographies.json | tr -d "\n" | tr -d " "`"

gst-launch-1.0 -e \
  cudastitcher name=stitcher homography-list=$HOMOGRAPHY_LIST \
  videotestsrc pattern=ball  num-buffers=30 ! nvvidconv ! $CAPS ! queue ! stitcher.sink_0 \
  videotestsrc pattern=smpte num-buffers=30 ! nvvidconv ! $CAPS ! queue ! stitcher.sink_1 \
  videotestsrc pattern=snow  num-buffers=30 ! nvvidconv ! $CAPS ! queue ! stitcher.sink_2 \
  stitcher. ! queue ! nvvidconv ! \
  nvv4l2h264enc bitrate=20000000 ! h264parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=$OUTPUT

For x86 platform, run the following pipeline:

gst-launch-1.0 -e \
  cudastitcher name=stitcher homography-list=$HOMOGRAPHY_LIST \
  videotestsrc pattern=ball  num-buffers=30 ! videoconvert ! $CAPS ! queue ! stitcher.sink_0 \
  videotestsrc pattern=smpte num-buffers=30 ! videoconvert ! $CAPS ! queue ! stitcher.sink_1 \
  videotestsrc pattern=snow  num-buffers=30 ! videoconvert ! $CAPS ! queue ! stitcher.sink_2 \
  stitcher. ! queue ! videoconvert ! \
  x264enc ! h264parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=$OUTPUT

The pipeline above generates a 1s 1920x480 output.mp4 video, the first frame should look like the following image.


Running more examples

The Stitcher Examples wiki has many pipeline examples to test the stitcher's functionality; however, make sure to read the Stitcher user guide first.


The first level of debugging to troubleshoot a failing evaluation binary is to inspect the GStreamer debug output.

GST_DEBUG=2 gst-launch-1.0

If the output doesn't help you figure out the problem, please contact with the output of the GStreamer debug and any additional information you consider useful.

RidgeRun also offers professional support hours that you can invest in any embedded Linux-related task you want to assign to RidgeRun, such as hardware bring-up tasks, application development, GStreamer pipeline fine-tuning, drivers, etc...

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