NVIDIA Jetson Xavier - Performance Tuning

Previous: JetPack_5.0.2/Flashing_Board Index Next: JetPack 5.0.2/Performance Tuning/Evaluating Performance

In this section, you will learn how to configure and evaluate performance and power consumption on the Xavier. This section is divided in:

  • Evaluating performance will show you how to use the tegrastats utility and how to interpret its output.
  • Setting values manually will show you how to control the frequency for the CPU, GPU, and memory.
  • Tunning power will show you how to use the nvpmodel utility to select between different power budgets.
  • Maximizing performance will show you how to activate all CPUs and how to use the jetson_clocks utility to set CPU, GPU, and memory to their maximum frequency.

Previous: JetPack_5.0.2/Flashing_Board Index Next: JetPack 5.0.2/Performance Tuning/Evaluating Performance