BIPS/Getting Started/Building BIPS

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki

Getting the Code

BIPS is a RidgeRun's professional product. You can purchase BIPS, with full source code, from the [LNKHERE RidgeRun Store] or using the Shopping Cart:


BIPS is supported for the Jetson TX1/TX2/Nano/Xavier platforms and PC systems that have an NVIDIA GPU. The following packages are needed in order to build and use BIPS:

    • list of dep
    • list of dep
    • list of dep
    • list of dep
    • list of dep

Installation guide:

1. You will need to know which distribution version you are using:

lsb_release -a

2. Go to the CUDA 11.6.1 download archive and follow the selection menu.

Select the version depending on the lsb_release command executed above. We recommend using the deb (local) option for the installation.

3. Once you have selected your system setup, NVIDIA will show you the installation instructions for those requirements.