model_config {
# Model architecture can be chosen from:
# ['resnet', 'vgg', 'googlenet', 'alexnet', 'mobilenet_v1', 'mobilenet_v2', 'squeezenet']
arch: "squeezenet"
# for resnet --> n_layers can be [10, 18, 50]
# for vgg --> n_layers can be [16, 19]
# n_layers: 18 # Only relevant for resnet and vgg
use_bias: True
use_batch_norm: True
all_projections: True
use_pooling: False
freeze_bn: False
freeze_blocks: 0 # When using pretrained-weights not all layers need to be retrained
freeze_blocks: 1
freeze_blocks: 2
freeze_blocks: 3
freeze_blocks: 4
freeze_blocks: 5
freeze_blocks: 6
# image size should be "3, X, Y", where X,Y >= 16
input_image_size: "3,112,112"
eval_config {
eval_dataset_path: "test"
model_path: "results/weights/squeezenet_080.tlt" # Has to be specific here
top_k: 3 # If the correct class is in the top 3 (in this case) a special statistic is reported
batch_size: 256
n_workers: 8
train_config {
train_dataset_path: "train"
val_dataset_path: "val"
pretrained_model_path: "tlt_squeezenet_classification_v1/squeezenet.hdf5"
# optimizer can be chosen from ['adam', 'sgd']
optimizer: "sgd"
batch_size_per_gpu: 16
n_epochs: 80
n_workers: 16
# regularizer
reg_config {
type: "L2"
scope: "Conv2D,Dense"
weight_decay: 0.00005
# learning_rate
lr_config {
# "step" and "soft_anneal" are supported.
scheduler: "soft_anneal"
# "soft_anneal" stands for soft annealing learning rate scheduler.
# the following 4 parameters should be specified if "soft_anneal" is used.
learning_rate: 0.005
soft_start: 0.056
annealing_points: "0.3, 0.6, 0.8"
annealing_divider: 10
# "step" stands for step learning rate scheduler.
# the following 3 parameters should be specified if "step" is used.
# learning_rate: 0.006
# step_size: 10
# gamma: 0.1