GstKinesisWebRTC: Building and Installing

Previous: Building GstKinesisWebRTC/Dependencies Index Next: Building GstKinesisWebRTC/Verify

You will need a meson, if you don’t have it already you can use the following commands to install it.

Download meson via pip installer:

sudo apt install python3-pip ninja-build
pip3 install --user meson
#After installation you may need to export meson to the PATH variable
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" #Add this to the .bashrc file for permanent setup

Please refer Getting the code page and RidgeRun will provide you with the full source version of the plugin path once you place the order. Check out the latest tag and run the commands mentioned below:

cd gst-kinesis-webrtc
meson build --prefix=/usr
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

Previous: Building GstKinesisWebRTC/Dependencies Index Next: Building GstKinesisWebRTC/Verify