


GstInterpipe is a Gstreamer plug-in that allows communication between two independent pipelines. The concept behind the Interpipes Project is to simplify the construction of GStreamer applications, which often has the complexity of requiring dynamic pipelines. It transforms the construction process from low level pad probe manipulation to the higher level setting an element's parameter value. Application developers don't get mired down in stalled pipelines because one branch of a complex pipeline changed state.

For example, take a look in a complex pipeline like the one in the figure 1:

Figure 1: Complex Pipeline

The complex pipeline of figure 1 can be constructed into smaller, independent pipelines using interpipe elements as it is illustrated in the figure 2:

Figure 2: Pipeline using Interpipes

This way the stream flow in a complex pipeline is reduced to simply set the correct listeners in the interpipe elements taking away the complexity of re-configuring pads or some other complex and error-prone logic.

GStreamer Plug-In

Getting the Software

GstInterpipe is an open source project and can be downloaded from GitHub. The project is hosted at:


As with every open source project, there's an open invitation to provide feedback to the maintainers as bug reports, feature requests and even source code collaborations. The following table summarizes the recommended methods to collaborate with RidgeRun:

Collaboration Method
Bug report GitHub's issue tracker
Feature request GitHub's issue tracker
Patch Submission Pull request

Installation Guide


GStreamer 1.0.0

Building the project

Installing the plugin

User Guide


Buffer Forwarding

Dynamic Switching

Caps Negotiation

Event Forwarding

Timestamp Synchronization




