Qualcomm Robotics RB5- Getting Started with Thundercomm SDK Manager 3.0.0

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


The SDK Manager provides a set of tools for creating and flashing the RB5 firmware. Version 3.0.0 supports: Robotics RB5 platform and Robotics RB6 Non-pop platform. In this section, you will learn about the Thundercomm SDK Manager and the system requirements to use it. The Thundercomm SDK Manager runs on a host computer, not in the Robotics RB5 platform. The Host computer must have:

  • Required Operating System (OS): Ubuntu Linux 18.04.
  • Alternative: Run an Ubuntu 18.04 Docker on a host of Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Windows 10 Professional (64-bit), or Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) system.

Get the SDK Manager

This section assumes that you are working on a host computer that meets the requirements above. The steps to get the SDK Manager installed on your host computer are:

1. Log in or register into your Thundercomm account in: https://www.thundercomm.com/

2. Download the SDK Manager installer from https://www.thundercomm.com/product/qualcomm-robotics-rb5-development-kit/#sdk-manager or https://thundercomm.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/web/common/TC-sdkmanager-3.0.0.zip

2. Unzip the SDK Manager running the following command in a terminal:

unzip TC-sdkmanager-x.x.x.zip

For example, if the file downloaded from Thundercomm is named TC-sdkmanager-3.0.0.zip, then you can use the following command to install it:

unzip TC-sdkmanager-3.0.0.zip

After unzipping, you should have a directory with the name TC-sdkmanager-x.x.x and inside it you should see three files: One SDK Manager debian package, one README file and one Docker file SDK Manager Debian Package. The README file is the local uset guide and the Docker file is used for Ubuntu 18.04 on Docker. The following steps depend on your host computer.

On Other Ubuntu Hosts(Ubuntu 16.04, 20.04)

3. Install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static openssh-server udev -y

4. Download and install Docker form: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/

5. Generate the Docker Image for Ubuntu 18.04

cd TC-sdkmanager-x.x.x/
sudo docker build -t ubuntu:18.04-sdkmanager .

6. To check if the Docker Image was generated successfully, you can run the following command and should see: ubuntu:18.04-sdkmanager

sudo docker images

7. Create the Docker container:

sudo docker run -v /home/${USER}:/home/hostPC/ --privileged -v /dev/:/dev -v /run/udev:/run/udev -d -- name sdkmanager_container -p 36000:22 ubuntu:18.04-sdkmanager

8. Launch the SDK Manager in the Docker container

sudo docker exec -it sdkmanager_container sdkmanager

9. Run the SDK Manager. Check steps in SECTION.

10. Disconnect the device from the computer, then follow the operation steps in SECTION to flash full build.

11. When your device has successfully boot up, enter the next command in a new terminal in your host computer:

adb wait-for-device shell
