CUDA ISP for NVIDIA Jetson: Performance

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


This page is still under development. Please, do not take the performance data as definitive.

Library API performance

To measure the CUDA ISP API performance, we built a simple example (provided upon request) that iterates over the Apply methods for each algorithm and records performance metrics for each iteration. We measured the duration of each algorithm's Apply method. We also measured CPU, CPU RAM, GPU, and GPU RAM usage for the complete processing pipeline iterating at 30fps. We ran the experiments on both 1080p and 4K buffers. We also ran the experiments on the Jetson Nano, Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson Xavier AGX, and Jetson AGX Orin.

  • We measured the duration of each Apply method separately using the chrono library.
  • We used the sys/times.h library to obtain the CPU usage.
  • We read the /proc/self/status file to obtain the CPU RAM usage.
  • We used jtop to measure GPU usage on the Jetson Nano and Jetson Xavier NX. We use jetson-stats to measure GPU usage on the Jetson Xavier AGX and the Jetson AGX Orin.
  • We used cudaMemGetInfo from CUDA to measure GPU RAM usage.

This is the hardware setup we used:

  • On the Jetson Nano, we used Jetpack 4.5.3 and MAXN Power Mode (NVP model 0)
  • On the Jetson Xavier NX, we used Jetpack 4.5.3 and 20W 6 Core Power Mode (NVP model 8)
  • On the Jetson Xavier AGX, we used Jetpack 4.5.1 and 30W 8 Core Power Mode (NVP model 3)
  • On the Jetson AGX Orin, we used Jetpack 5.0.2 and MAXN Power Mode (NVP model 0)

The following table summarizes CUDA ISP's performance results. The values in parenthesis next to each processing time is the corresponding theoretical framerate calculated as the inverse of the time.

Algorithm Jetson AGX Orin Jetson Xavier AGX Jetson Xavier NX Jetson Nano
Buffer size 1080p 4K 1080p 4K 1080p 4K 1080p 4K
Duration (ms)
CudaShift 0.82 1.52 1559 4178 2.10 7.52
CudaDebayer 0.68 1.30 1925 5742 2.40 8.75
CudaWhiteBalancer (Gray World Algorithm) 0.84 1.66 1940 5209 2.51 8.51
CudaWhiteBalancer (Histogram Stretch Algorithm) 1.24 1.91 2327 6872 3.18 11.06
CudaColorSpaceConverter 0.91 1.60 1228 3134 2.05 7.70
Framerate (fps)
CudaShift 1216 660 641 239 475 132
CudaDebayer 1479 771 519 174 415 114
CudaWhiteBalancer (Gray World Algorithm) 1197 603 515 191 398 117
CudaWhiteBalancer (Histogram Stretch Algorithm) 807 522 429 145 314 90
CudaColorSpaceConverter 1104 623 814 319 487 129
CPU usage (%)
CudaShift 0.198 0.218 0.284896 0.254827 0.800 0.817
CudaDebayer 0.121 0.161 0.237500 0.236520 0.873 0.665
CudaWhiteBalancer (Gray World Algorithm) 0.201 0.277 0.337577 0.316054 1.286 1.299
CudaWhiteBalancer (Histogram Stretch Algorithm) 0.260 0.280 0.350521 0.340664 1.569 1.454
CudaColorSpaceConverter 0.172 0.201 0.246386 0.236520 0.647 0.680
CudaShift 89.7 90.8 89992 91452 77.5 88.7
CudaDebayer 44.4 44.5 41800 42151 33.0 33.4
CudaWhiteBalancer (Gray World Algorithm) 99.8 99.1 108508 107364 40.6 77.5
CudaWhiteBalancer (Histogram Stretch Algorithm) 99.2 99.3 107658 108642 52.1 33.0
CudaColorSpaceConverter 44.1 44.3 42024 42092 33.2 89.1
GPU usage (%)
CudaShift 12.29 7.81 13.0 85.32 25.96
CudaDebayer 11.6 13.04 29.0 67.27 42.53
CudaWhiteBalancer (Gray World Algorithm) 9.75 19.27 25.54 20.24 75.14
CudaWhiteBalancer (Histogram Stretch Algorithm) 8.89 24.42 24.56 26.84 83.35
CudaColorSpaceConverter 4.85 9.14 24.68 20.11 81.19
CudaShift 26.8 28.4 43044 85744 41.6 43.3
CudaDebayer 6.0 6.1 10704 10284 11.9 11.8
CudaWhiteBalancer (Gray World Algorithm) 33.7 32.7 57532 61588 40.6 31.5
CudaWhiteBalancer (Histogram Stretch Algorithm) 33.2 33.4 56824 66300 52.1 52.4
CudaColorSpaceConverter 5.4 6.0 9872 10352 11.2 11.8
