V4L2 FPGA - Getting the Code - Building and Installation Guide

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Getting the Code

V4L2 FPGA is a RidgeRun's professional product under development. Contact support@ridgerun.com with any questions about release dates.

Supported Platforms

  • NVIDIA®Jetson Xavier™
  • i.MX 8
  • Zynq 7000-based SoC
  • Zynq MP-SoC-based systems

Building the project

The V4L2 FPGA project is divided into two building stages for supported platforms.

  • FPGA firmware: stage to build the binary for the FPGA on the platform. This stage is only performed on the development machine (PC) and it requires the Vivado HLS component preinstalled.
  • V4L2 driver: stage to build the V4L2 driver for the required platform. It might build natively on the platform, Petalinux, or using Yocto distro.

The instructions will be highlighted:

Light Blue for development machine instruction
Light Green for target machine instruction

FPGA Firmware


  • Vivado HLx 2018.2
  • Vivado HLS >= 2018.2

These tools are located at https://www.xilinx.com/support/download.html and you can follow these installation instructions.


This building method is applicable to all supported platforms.

The dependencies are met to follow these instructions:

1. Add Vivado executables to your path:


2. Move the top folder for the FPGA code

cd v4l2-pcie/src/hdl/

3. Build the FPGA accelerator. Currently the project has available three accelerators: video_generator, convolution and example. All accelerators should build individually as follows:

  • Video Generator
make ACCELERATOR=video_generator FPGA_MODEL=xc7a50tcsg325-2 bitstream_build
  • Video Generator
make ACCELERATOR=demo FPGA_MODEL=xc7a50tcsg325-2 bitstream_build
  • Convolution
make ACCELERATOR=convolution FPGA_MODEL=xc7a50tcsg325-2 bitstream_build
  • Example
make ACCELERATOR=example FPGA_MODEL=xc7a50tcsg325-2 bitstream_build

where xc7a50tcsg325-2 is the PicoEVB FPGA model.

V4L2 Driver

The driver allows for communication with the accelerator. This can be built either natively for the Xavier or using Yocto for the i.MX 8.

NVIDIA Jetson-based boards

The dependencies are met to follow these instructions:

1. Move the top kernel folder and build

cd v4l2-fpga/src/kernel/pci_driver

The resulting kernel module is located on v4l2-fpga/src/kernel/pci_driver/xilinx.ko

Zedboard or Zynq Ultrascale +

The dependencies are met to follow these instructions:

1. Install the Linux Sources and Headers.

By default, it is not exported. To get it working without regenerating the image:

# For the binaries
petalinux-build -c linux-xlnx 
petalinux-build -c kernel-devsrc

This will generate the RPM files in:


Look for the rpm files

In order to get all the tools, define the self-host suite in Petalinux-Packages when using petalinux-build -c rootfs

It may happen that the modules are not compiled when installing with rpm: rpm -ivh --nodeps $PACKAGE. Just go to usr/src/kernel and type make

2. Move the top kernel folder and build

cd v4l2-fpga/src/kernel/axi_driver

The resulting kernel module is located on v4l2-pcie/src/kernel/axi_driver/xilinx.ko


RidgeRun offers a Yocto layer containing RidgeRun commonly used packages. You can download this package from https://github.com/RidgeRun/meta-ridgerun.
It contains a recipe to build the plugin but you need to purchase V4L2-PCIe with full source code, from https://shop.ridgerun.com/products/fpga-v4l2-pcie-driver

  • Adding meta-ridgerun to your Yocto build

First you need to copy meta-ridgerun in your sources directory:

cp -r meta-ridgerun $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/

Then add the RidgeRun meta layer to your bblayers.conf file. First, go to the build configuration directory

cd $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/build/conf/

Open the bblayers.conf file and add the RidgeRun meta layer path $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/meta-ridgerun to BBLAYERS

  • Once you have access to the repository, please open pcie-fpga-v4l2_0.1.0.bb in $YOCTO_DIRECTORY/sources/meta-ridgerun/recipes-kernel/pcie-fpga-v4l2/
  • Modify the following line in SRC_URI with the correct v4l2-fpga URL by changing <Customer-Directory> with your own.
SRC_URI = " git://git@gitlab.com/RidgeRun/orders/<Customer-Directory>/pcie-fpga-v4l2.git;protocol=ssh;branch=${SRCBRANCH}"
  • Make sure you have added your ssh key to your GitLab account. For more information: SSH Information
  • Finally build the recipe:
bitbake pcie-fpga-v4l2

The resulting kernel module is located at build/tmp/work/imx8mqevk-poky-linux/pcie-fpga-v4l2/0.1.0-r0/image/.

  • You can also build the complete image using the command
bitbake fsl-image-multimedia -k

This will generate a the imx8evq/build/tmp/deploy/images/imx8mqevk/fsl-image-multimedia-imx8mqevk-20190614130445.rootfs.sdcard.bz2 file.

  • SSH Information

The recipe will fetch the repository using your ssh key, thus it's necessary to add the key to Gitlab page.
For adding it, go to Settings->SSH Keys and add your key, if don't have one you can find there a link about how to generate it.

SSH Issue
If GitLab key hasn't added to your list of known hosts on the PC, you will have fetch errors when trying to build the V4L2-FPGA recipe.
One easy way to add the key is when cloning the repository for the first time from GitLab, it will ask if you want to add the key to your list of known hosts.


git clone git@gitlab.com:RidgeRun/orders/<Customer-Directory>/pcie-fpga-v4l2.git


The V4L2 FPGA installation has two main steps for supported platforms.

  • FPGA firmware: flash the binary on the FPGA on the platform.
  • V4L2 driver: install the driver (xilinx.ko file) for each specific platform.

The instructions will be highlighted:

Light Blue for PC instruction
Light Green for Board instruction

FPGA firmware

NVIDIA Jetson-based boards

Programming remotely with XVC
  • Run these commands to build the program

1. Install xvcd tool from Xilinx to flash the firmware on the FPGA.

  • Install dependencies
sudo add-apt-repository main
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo add-apt-repository restricted
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt -y install libftdi-dev
  • Pull the xvcd tool
git clone https://github.com/RHSResearchLLC/xvcd.git && cd xvcd
  • Patch the linux/src/xvcd.c file with the following code
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
                return 1;
-       if (listen(s, 0) < 0)
+       if (listen(s, 5) < 0)
                return 1;
  • Building the xvcd tool
cd linux/src
  • Running xvcd tool
sudo ./xvcd -P 0x6015

2. Transfer the firmware to the platform using the Vivado GUI on the host machine.

  • Go to hdl_wrapper directory in accelerator code:
cd v4l2-fpga/src/hdl/xilinx/${ACCELERATOR}/hdl_wrapper
  • Start Vivado GUI
vivado hdl_wrapper.xpr
  • Go to Tcl Console

Figure 1. Tcl Console interface

  • Run the below commands on the console as shown in Figure 2.
open_hw_target -xvc_url <TARGET_IP>:2542

Replace the <TARGET_IP> by your target IP on the network. Afterward, choose the .bit generated in 4. and proceed to flash the FPGA.

Figure 2. Tcl Commands

  • Verify the connection had been successful as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Remote connection successful

  • The FPGA can be flashed to preserve the firmware temporally (volatile) or permanently (written on EEPROM). Both methods are explained on the Temporal Flash and Permanent Flash sections.
Temporal Flash
  • Go to the Hardware Panel, right click on device name xc7a50t_0 and select the Program Device
  • Program the FPGA device as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Interface to program device

Permanent Flash
  • Go to Tools icon and select Generate Memory Configuration File... (See Figure 5.).

Figure 5. Tools icon

  • In the Write Memory Configuration File window (See Figure 6.), modify the following items:

Figure 6. Write Memory Configuration File window

1. Select Custom Memory Size (MB).

2. Set memory size to 4.

3. Select Interface as SPIx4.

4. Enable check for Load bitstream files.

5. Search the '.bit file to configure. See Figure 7. to find the location.

6. Enable check for Overwrite.

7. Click OK button.

Figure 7. .bit file location

  • Go to Hardware manager window, right-click on the device and Add Configuration Memory Device... (See Figure 8.).

Figure 8. Add Configuration Memory Device tab

  • Search the Select Configuration Memory Part, select it and click OK (See Figure 9.).

Figure 9. Select Configuration Memory Part tab

  • The Add Configuration Memory Device Completed window is launched, click OK (See Figure 10.).

Figure 10. Add Configuration Memory Device Completed window

  • The Program Configuration Memory Device is launched, click the search button, search the .MCS file, select it and click OK (See Figure 11. ).

Figure 11. Program Configuration Memory Device window

  • Click OK on the Program Configuration Memory Device window to start programming the FPGA. it will take ~30 minutes.
  • The Program FPGA is completed, when the Program Flash is launched, click OK (See Figure 12.).

Figure 12. Program Flash window

Disconnect XVC server
  • After finishing to program the device, run the below command on Tcl Console to disconnect the interface as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Disconnect the interface

Zynq-based platforms

Flashing the FPGA of a Zynq-based board is the same as the common Petalinux flow. In the host machine where the project of interest has been built:

1 Go to accelerator code directory:

make FPGA_MODEL=$FPGA_MODEL bitstream

where $FPGA_MODEL is defined by the user.

2. Go to hdl_wrapper directory in accelerator code:

cd v4l2-fpga/src/hdl/xilinx/${ACCELERATOR}/hdl_wrapper

3. Start Vivado GUI

vivado hdl_wrapper.xpr

4. In the GUI, go to File > Export > Export Hardware. Take note of the directory where the project is being exported. Let's set it to $PATH_TO_PROJECT/$PROJECT/$PROJECT.sdk/

5. Create the minimum Petalinux project

petalinux-create -t projects -n $PROJECTNAME -s $BSPFILE
petalinux-config --get-hw-description $PATH_TO_PROJECT/$PROJECT/$PROJECT.sdk/
  • Select the Image Packaging Configuration.
  • Select Root filesystem type. Set SD card as the RootFS type.

6. Select the libraries and applications needed

petalinux-config -c rootfs

Choose the applications and libraries. Some of them:

  • Petalinux Package: Multimedia (verify GStreamer)
  • Petalinux Package: Self-Host Development

7. Prepare the DTB

petalinux-config -c device-tree

8. Edit the Device Tree according to the instructions of the driver. Copy and paste it to the project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/system-top.dts

9. Build and package

petalinux-package --boot --fsbl images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf --fpga images/linux/system.bit --u-boot --force

10. Copy the contents of images/linux/ according to the following layout

Partition 1: BOOT (FAT32)

Contents: BOOT.BIN image.ub system.dtb

Partition 2: ROOTFS (ext4)

Contents: decompress the rootfs.tar.gz

11. Proceed with the compilation of the driver as shown above

V4L2 driver

NVIDIA Jetson-based boards

  • Copy the .ko to your platform
  • Installing using the following command:
sudo insmod xilinx.ko


Follow the instructions here: https://developer.ridgerun.com/wiki/index.php?title=IMX8/iMX8MEVK/Yocto/Installing_an_Image

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