Quick start ubuntu 12.04 - 64 bits

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki
Revision as of 17:27, 19 December 2012 by Jcarballo (talk | contribs) (Adding reference to gstreamer-tools)

Packages to install

General utilities and RR SDK required packages

These are packages that are typically required to put your system in shape for general utilities, and also packages necessary to compile typical RR's SDKs.

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential fakeroot graphviz gdb vim openssh-server
sudo apt-get install -y zip subversion git-core nfs­-kernel­-server nfs­-common meld
sudo apt-get install -y portmap xinetd tftpd tftp curl libncurses5-dev texinfo
sudo apt-get install -y minicom quilt curl autoconf libcrypt-ssleay-perl quilt
sudo apt-get install -y libusb-dev libexpect-perl mono-devel libgtk2.0-dev bison flex
sudo apt-get install -y xclip liblzo2-dev uuid-dev python-virtualenv ia32-libs
sudo apt-get install -y terminator tree doxygen vlc libdbus-glib-1-dev iftop libxml2-dev
sudo apt-get install -y gstreamer-tools

The next packages can also be convenient, but note that they will eventually require user-interaction during the installation process, for example to confirm a User License agreement.

sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-restricted-extras

Common packages used by RR Developers

RidgeRun developers often install:

sudo apt-get install -y geany eclipse-cdt hamster-indicator pidgin filezilla gimp


Using GNOME instead of Unity

This is optional, but RR developers often get rid of Unity and use the classic gnome environment:

sudo apt-get install -y gnome-panel

After installing this packet, the option to choose a Gnome Classic session will appear in the login screen.

Sudo, my best friend

If you don't want sudo to ask you for the password all the time, run:

sudo sh -c "echo $USER 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"

After this change, you have to log out from your session for the changes to take effect.

Switch shell from dash to bash

sudo rm /bin/sh
sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

Tuning bash startup script

echo "alias h='history 100'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo "alias e='\`make env || echo ERROR: not in a top level development directory 1>&2\`'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/sbin' >> $HOME/.bashrc

When you're ready you can source the file:

source $HOME/.bashrc

SDK downloads

The location /opt/ridgerun/downloads is conveniently used to hold all the packages and tarballs downloaded by the RR SDK, and is convenient because it can be re-used if you have more than one RR SDK installed in your machine.

sudo mkdir --parents /opt/ridgerun/downloads
sudo chmod ugo+rwx /opt/ridgerun/downloads

Building a RR SDK

After the steps above, you can try out building your RR SDK. See the SDK User Guides for reference.

Special steps when compiling the dvsdk

Since we are in a 64-bits version of Ubuntu, we need to run the installer as 32-bit:

sudo apt-get install -y ia32-libs

Then when you are running the dvsdk installer, use the --forcehost switch to enable the installation, for example:

./dvsdk_dm368-evm_4_02_00_06_setuplinux --forcehost

See also

Quick start ubuntu 11.10