GstInference - Metadatas - GstDetectionMeta

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Revision as of 22:19, 13 November 2019 by Maumontero (talk | contribs)

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This metadata consist on an array of bounding boxes, that were previously filtered on the detection element to remove low probability and duplicated boxes.

GstDetectionMeta example


All detection elements on GstInference use the same metadata standard. GstDetectionMeta consist on the following fields:

field type description
num_boxes gint The number of boxes outputted by the model. This can vary over time.
boxes BBox * The array of bounding boxes.

Each bounding box is an struct with:

field type description
label gint The label represented.
prob gdouble The probability of the box. Note that probability on detection works different from classification. This probability does not reflect actual probability but rather the certainty level of the neural network.
x gdouble X coordinate (top left corner)
y gdouble Y coordinate (top left corner)
width gdouble Box width
height gdouble Box height

Access metadata

If you want to access this metadata from your custom Gstreamer element instead the process is fairly easy:

  1. Add a GstInference detection element such as TinyYoloV2 to your pipeline
  2. Include GstInference metadata header: #include "gst/r2inference/gstinferencemeta.h"
  3. Get a GstDetectionMeta object from the buffer: detect_meta = (GstDetectionMeta *) gst_buffer_get_meta (frame->buffer, GST_DETECTION_META_API_TYPE);

All GstInference detection elements also raise a signal containing GstDetectionMeta, for details on how to use this signal please check the example applications section.

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