GstInference - Example Applications - Detection

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This example receives an input video file and detects objects in each buffer, the possible objects to detect are available at classes section. For each frame the application captures the signal emitted by GstInference, forwarding the prediction to a placeholder for external logic. Simultaneously, the pipeline displays the captured frames with every detected object marked with a label and a square. Note that the image currently being displayed not necessarily matches the one being handled by the signal. The display is meant for visualization and debugging purposes.

The detection example is based on TinyYoloV2, trained using the Pascal VOC dataset, more information here. A pre-trained model can be downloaded from the GstInference Model Zoo

This examples serves both as an example and as a starting point for detection application.

Pascal VOC Classes

The VOC dataset used for training TinyYoloV2 supports 20 classes for inference. Classes according to label ID:

  1. aeroplane
  2. bicycle
  3. bird
  4. boat
  5. bottle
  6. bus
  7. car
  8. cat
  9. chair
  10. cow
  11. diningtable
  12. dog
  13. horse
  14. motorbike
  15. person
  16. pottedplant
  17. sheep
  18. sofa
  19. train
  20. tvmonitor

Building the Example

The example builds along the GstInference project. Make sure you follow the instructions in Building the Plug-In to make sure all the dependencies are correctly fulfilled.

Once the project is built the example may be built independently by running make within the example directory.

cd tests/examples/detection

The example is not meant to be installed.

Running the Example

The detection application provides a series of cmdline options to control the behavior of the example. The basic usage is:

./detection -m MODEL -f FILE -b BACKEND [-v]
Mandatory. Path to the TinyYoloV2 trained model
Mandatory. Path to the video file to be used
Mandatory. Name of the backed to be used. See Supported Backends for a list of possible options.
Optional. Run verbosely.

You may always run --help for further details.

./detection --help
  detection [OPTIONS] - GstInference Detection Example

Help Options:
  -h, --help                        Show help options
  --help-all                        Show all help options
  --help-gst                        Show GStreamer Options

Application Options:
  -v, --verbose                     Be verbose
  -m, --model                       Model path
  -f, --file                        File path
  -b, --backend                     Backend used for inference, example: tensorflow

Extending the Application

The example is composed by the following main files:

Source file with GStreamer logic
Placeholder for custom logic
Header file for custom logic source
Build script
Executable generated on build

The application can be extended by filling in the placeholders in customlogic.c. In the most simple cases, the information provided in handle_predictionshould suffice to react to the prediction.

handle_prediction (unsigned char *image, 
                   int width, 
                   int height,
                   unsigned int size,
                   BoundingBox * boxes,
                   int num_boxes)
    /* FILLME: Handle image and prediction here */
Image data in RGB raster format.
The width of the image, in pixels
The height of the image, in pixels
The size of the total image, in bytes
An array of boxes with all detected objects in the frame
The length of the boxes array
NOTE: The signal will block buffer streaming. Long processing operations should perform asynchronously to avoid blocking the pipeline


The first debug level is GStreamer debug. You may execute the application with debug enabled by running:

./detection --gst-debug=2

For advanced support, please contact [1] with the output of the following command:

./detection --gst-debug=2,videoinference:6,tinyyolo:6

Reporting a Bug

Please feel free to report bugs using GitHub's issue tracker.

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