V4L2 PCIe - Supported Platforms

From RidgeRun Developer Wiki


Template:V4L2 PCIe/TOC

This page summarizes the platforms on which the system has been tested.


The PicoEVB is a Artix-7 FPGA which fits into a M.2 key A or E slot. The Artix-7 FPGA has internal clock speeds exceeding 450MHz, provides 51 160 logic cells, 120 DSP48 slices, and 2,7Mbits de BRAM, it also provides 8 digital I/O, and 2 analog I/O. It has a built-in FTAG cable which works with Vivado and Labtools.

Feature Specification
FPGA Xilinx Artix 7
Form Factor M.2, A and E slots
Host Interface PCIe 2.0 x1
